buzzard / ˈbʌz ərd /


buzzard2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of several broad-winged, soaring hawks of the genus Buteo and allied genera, especially B. buteo, of Europe.
  2. any of several New World vultures of the family Cathartidae, especially the turkey vulture.
  3. Slang. a contemptible or cantankerous person: That old buzzard has lived in the same shack for twenty years.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Obsolete. senseless; stupid.


  1. We can deal with that old buzzard as freely and as profitably as if we were in a cutthroat pawnshop.
  2. Lying so, she looked far up into the blue sky where a buzzard floated on lazy wings.
  3. But quick as she was, the buzzard, who had been watching her movements from the bough of a tree, was quicker still.
  4. The process that had answered for one cat would answer for a second, as the buzzard very well knew.
  5. The bees droned, and the wheeling buzzard suddenly dropped like a plummet a hundred yards through the larkspur blue.