buteo / ˈbyu tiˌoʊ /


buteo 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural bu·te·os.

  1. any of several buzzards or hawks of the genus Buteo.


  1. After 10 minutes of this behavior, a red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) screamed as it flew overhead.
  2. This species is the connecting link between the vultures and hawks of the genus buteo.
  3. The Buteo was not to be driven away easily, and made brave play with beak and talons; but he never had a chance.
  4. It was a large hawk, which Lucien, as soon as he saw it, pronounced to be one of the kind known as buzzards (Buteo).
  5. The Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo borealis) of our illustration is young and shows the plumage of the immature form.