burpy / ˈbɜr pi /


burpy 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

burp·i·er, burp·i·est.Informal.

  1. belching, tending to belch, or feeling like belching: Carbonated beverages make me burpy.
  2. causing one to belch: burpy foods.


  1. He and uncle Nate Burpy went up to hear a speech aginst wimmen's suffrage, in a Democrat.
  2. It honestly seems to me as if I never see a human creeter so afflicted as Dorlesky Burpy has been, all her life.
  3. I had brought three errents to him from Jonesville,—one for myself, and two for Dorlesky Burpy.
  4. Josiah believes it, and Dorlesky Burpy, and lots of other Jonesvillians.
  5. Trouble and wrongs and sufferin's seemed to be epidemic in the race of Burpy wimmen.