burgomaster / ˈbɜr gəˌmæs tər, -ˌmɑ stər /


burgomaster 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the chief magistrate of a municipal town of Holland, Flanders, Germany, or Austria.

burgomaster 近义词


等同于 city manager

burgomaster 的近义词 5


  1. At the Porte de Laeken, the burgomaster, kneeling reverently, presented the keys of the city in a silver basin.
  2. The Burgomaster gave him the keys of the city; and the Pensionary of Louvain welcomed him on behalf of all the local magistrates.
  3. Of the Htel de Ville, where the Burgomaster and most of the magistrates met their death, nothing remained but the bare walls.
  4. Some of the soldiers refused to touch the burgomaster, and told Warfuse to his face that they were not assassins.
  5. The Count ventured to open the door, and allow the burgomaster's cousin and his friends to escape.