bunyip / ˈbʌn yɪp /


bunyip2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a mythical creature of Aboriginal legend said to inhabit water and watercourses.
  2. an impostor.
adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. “It is reckoned the residence of the water-cow,” a monster like the Australian bunyip.
  2. “Dat big bunyip beat um gin,” whispered Jimmy, with a curious awe-stricken look in his countenance.
  3. “Take away bunyip dog; take um way or Jimmy killum,” cried the black.
  4. “Dat big bunyip,” said a voice that made us start, for Jimmy had come up from the dark camp unperceived.
  5. “Big water bunyip glad get black fellow,” he said, as loudly as he could, and with a scornful look at us.