bullying / ˈbʊl i /


bullying5 个定义

n. 名词 noun

plural bul·lies.

  1. a blustering, mean, or predatory person who, from a perceived position of relative power, intimidates, abuses, harasses, or coerces people, especially those considered unlikely to defend themselves: playground bullies targeting children with disabilities;a workplace bully who cuts me off when I speak.
  2. Archaic. a man hired to do violence.
  3. Obsolete. a pimp; procurer.
v. 有主动词 verb

bul·lied, bul·ly·ing.

  1. to act the bully toward; habitually intimidate, abuse, or harass: The boy next door constantly bullies the younger children in the neighborhood.
  2. to coerce or compel by bullying: The salesman bullied me into upgrading the car's paint protection and rust-proofing.
v. 无主动词 verb

bul·lied, bul·ly·ing.

  1. to act as a bully: People who bully are often very insecure.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Informal. fine; excellent; very good: What a bully meal!
  2. Archaic. dashing; jovial; high-spirited.
interj. 感叹词 interjection
  1. Informal. good! well done!: If your bus commute saves you time and gets you to work on time, well bully for you!

bullying 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. A police officer was a person who would help a 74-year-old woman cross the street, not bully her and lie about it.
  2. She said she shared her girls’ bullying experiences with teachers, the principal, school board members and the parent teacher association and was blown off for years.
  3. Unfortunately, there are lots powerful people who are sometimes the subject of critical journalism who basically try to take advantage of that and bully independent writers and journalists.
  4. Staff told investigators Carson was a bully who angers easily, used intimidation and made everyday tasks harder – especially for women, according to the investigation.
  5. Some marketers have felt bullied by the giant platform, with top Facebook executives going over their heads to company leadership with the basic message that the marketers aren’t doing their job right because they’re not spending enough on Facebook.
  6. Removing choice is bullying and seems a horrid basis on which to anchor your relationship.
  7. In light of the Michael Brown shooting, others have come forward to share their own stories of bullying, and harassment by police.
  8. He recounts to her the bullying he receives at school, with classmates spitting on him as he walks down the halls.
  9. But The Source was also starting to develop a bullying reputation within the industry.
  10. “No” campaigners and journalists have reported bullying and intimidation.
  11. It is a far better and braver thing to bear bullying with such a mixture of spirit and good-humour, as in time to disarm it.
  12. Even Hamper wi' all his bullying, would ha' waited a while—but it's a word and a blow wi' Thornton.
  13. It would have been as reasonable to censure an ordinary person for breathing as to censure Mr. Slosson for bullying.
  14. When such coercion took the form of open and undisguised bullying, to submit was impolitic.
  15. "I've already come across, Chief," replied Larry, trying to keep his temper in the face of the other's bullying manner.