bulimia / byuˈlɪm i ə, -ˈli mi ə, bu-, bə- /


bulimia 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Also called binge-purge syn·drome [binj-purj-sin-drohm], /ˈbɪndʒˈpɜrdʒ ˌsɪn droʊm/, bu·lim·i·a ner·vo·sa [nur-voh-suh]. /nɜrˈvoʊ sə/. Psychiatry. a habitual disturbance in eating behavior mostly affecting young women of normal weight, characterized by frequent episodes of grossly excessive food intake followed by self-induced vomiting to avert weight gain.Compare anorexia nervosa.
  2. Also called hyperphagia. Pathology. abnormally voracious appetite or unnaturally constant hunger.

bulimia 近义词


等同于 malnutrition


等同于 binge-purge syndrome


等同于 eating disorder


  1. A major plot of Physical chronicles how Sheila navigates a severe bulimia disorder.
  2. Diana spoke openly about her marriage, her struggles with postnatal depression and bulimia, and confirmed her extramarital affair with army officer James Hewitt.
  3. Institutionally, however, the so-called nature prescription gets surprisingly little attention when it comes to anorexia, bulimia, and related conditions.
  4. In figuring out how to address her bulimia, Netflix worked with a United Kingdom eating disorder charity, the Beat.
  5. Binge eating and purging does the same for someone with bulimia.
  6. Others shared stories of friends who suffered from bulimia in an open secret.
  7. Other risk factors include a history of sexual abuse and bulimia, both of which also affect more women than men.
  8. She struggled with bulimia and, when she was anxious, would eat excessively.
  9. Bruni candidly writes of his weight struggles, which included bulimia, laxative abuse, and junk-food binges.
  10. It is a species of bulimia—an insatiable appetite, which "grows by what it feeds on."
  11. From hence they marched through snow the whole of the following day, and many of the men contracted the bulimia.
  12. In adults there is sometimes bulimia and a marked capriciousness of the appetite.
  13. The patient may develop an enormous appetite—what we call bulimia—eating several times as much as she does ordinarily.
  14. Hence they marched through snow the whole of the following day, and many of the men contracted the bulimia.