buddha / ˈbu də, ˈbʊd ə /


buddha 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Prince Siddhāttha or Siddhartha, 566?–c480 b.c., Indian religious leader: founder of Buddhism. Also called But·su [boot-soo, boot-; Japanese boo-tsoo], /ˈbʊt su, ˈbut-; Japanese ˈbu tsʊ/, Gau·ta·ma [gaw-tuh-muh, gou-], /ˈgɔ tə mə, ˈgaʊ-/, Gautama Buddha, Gou·ta·ma [gaw-tuh-muh, goh-], /ˈgɔ tə mə, ˈgoʊ-/, Gou·ta·ma Buddha .
  2. any of a series of teachers in Buddhism, of whom Gautama was the last, who bring enlightenment and wisdom.
  3. Buddhism. a person who has attained full prajna, or enlightenment; Arhat.


  1. One day I know he’ll be gone,risen early like the Buddha out of a dream,taking his special knowledge into the world.
  2. At times, he was like a serene Buddha, simply smiling at it all.
  3. It shows an 18th-century wooden sculpture of a seated Buddha, which Paik purchased at an antique store.
  4. She admits she thought her father “should be like Buddha, or Morrie Schwartz from Tuesdays With Morrie, or any number of stoic philosophers who embrace their final days with a pure heart, conviction of the world’s oneness flowing from their lips.”
  5. Exiled back to Earth, Monkey and his armies battle the forces of Heaven successfully until the Buddha finally imprisons him under a mountain.
  6. “My children are traumatised,” Than Dar told a group of reporters in front a large reclining Buddha.
  7. It was the first time I witnessed his balanced mix of strength and kindness, or what could be dubbed his “Buddha nature.”
  8. But the Buddha condemned both extreme luxury and extreme poverty as obstacles to enlightenment.
  9. The couch is too deep, and he is growing heavier; he will be Buddha-like in girth at some point soon.
  10. This is one of the meanings of the famous Zen koan, “If you see the Buddha on the road, kill him.”
  11. In return, each of the priests placed an image of Buddha on a tree-root, turning it into an altar.
  12. Upon one of these monuments an upright figure of the deity Buddha is sculptured in a standing position.
  13. No ancient teacher enjoined the duties based on an immutable morality with more force than Confucius, Buddha, and Epictetus.
  14. The Life of Buddha by Asvaghosha is a poetical romance of nearly ten thousand lines.
  15. Buddha travels slowly to the sacred city of Benares, converting by the way even Brahmans themselves.