bucketful / ˈbʌk ɪtˌfʊl /


bucketful 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural buck·et·fuls.

  1. the amount that a bucket can hold: a bucketful of water.


  1. If he thinks a dish needs more salt, he adds it not by the pinch but by the bucketful.
  2. Fortunately, Patrick Page displays it by the bucketful in the wonderful “All the Devils Are Here,” his one-man walk-through of some of the nastiest pieces of work in the canon.
  3. She ran to the well and drew a bucketful of clear cold water, which she carried to the cabin.
  4. Richard examined every bucketful of earth as he pulled it np.
  5. If they should happen to want another bucketful of water we're lost men.
  6. As he hurried away to the public-house, white with ire, he met his gamekeeper coming in with a bucketful of fish fresh caught.
  7. We did gather a great many, about a bucketful, and threw them into the rain-pool, where some of them now are.