brumby / ˈbrʌm bi /


brumby 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural brum·bies.Australian.

  1. a wild horse.


  1. They meet as might a lad from Harrow and another from Mr. Brumby's successful mechanical cramming establishment.
  2. He went round and round the paddick at home, with me on him, buckin' like a brumby.
  3. Dr. Giles and others suggest that the name should be Brumby instead of Brunanburh.
  4. She was a good woman of business, and managed the hat-shop for nine years, whilst poor Brumby was at Dr. Tokelys.
  5. Mrs. Brumby plays finely on the bassoon, and has evenings dedicated to Sebastian Bach, and enlivened with Handel.