brucine / ˈbru sin, -sɪn /


brucine 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a white, crystalline, bitter, slightly water-soluble, very poisonous alkaloid, C23H26N2O4, obtained from the nux vomica tree Strychnos nux-vomica, and from other species of the same genus, resembling but not as powerful as strychnine in its pharmacological action: used chiefly in the denaturation of alcohol.


  1. Gallic acid occurs but seldom in nature; and always united to brucine, veratrine, or lime.
  2. It is also obtained as a decomposition product of brucine or strychnine, when these alkaloids are distilled with zinc dust.
  3. Strychnine and brucine exist in combination with igasuric acid discovered by Ludwig in 1873.
  4. The behaviour of brucine in the subliming cell is described at p. 260.
  5. It might, therefore, be used to separate strychnine from brucine.