browed / braʊd /


browed 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having a brow of a specified kind: a shaggy-browed brute.


  1. Now, the bushy-browed beauty is planning her next big move: becoming a global brand.
  2. Slyly moving past the bushy eye-browed front clerk, I ran upstairs to my mother.
  3. He was a dark-browed, good-looking youngster of nineteen, greatly resembling his mother, but with ten times her impetuosity.
  4. She was fair as a lily, with bright golden hair, and bore no resemblance to this dark-eyed, black-browed wench.
  5. His manner is somewhat nervous, a look of intense seriousness in his heavy-browed eyes.
  6. She stood thinking, her fine face, so open-browed and purely lined, frowning and distressed.
  7. In swarms they arrived—black-browed, olive-skinned, chattering like apes.