brontosaurus 的定义
plural bron·to·sau·rus·es, bron·to·sau·ri [bron-tuh-sawr-ahy]. /ˌbrɒn təˈsɔr aɪ/.
- He would not have been surprised to see a brontosaurus peeking coyly down at him from twenty feet or so of neck.
- It was just the sort of place any self-respecting brontosaurus would have wallowed in.
- It appears that at the annual fancy-dress ball all the inhabitants clubbed together and went as a Brontosaurus.
- Yes—the chinless gentleman with gentle brown and protruding eyes and the expression of a tame brontosaurus.
- This intelligent animal (believed to be the female of the Brontosaurus) was probably seeking a change of headgear.