brocket / ˈbrɒk ɪt /


brocket 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of several small, red, South American deer of the genus Mazama, having short, unbranched antlers.
  2. the male red deer in the second year, with the first growth of straight horns.


  1. There came a day when, riding near Brocket, she met a funeral procession, and was told that it was Byrons.
  2. Brocket had no fear of rivals in business, and as his interlocutor did not pretend to be one he was exceedingly communicative.
  3. Brocket showed them a place in the Hudson, about twenty miles above the city, where they could practice.
  4. Name it not at Woburn-abbey—whisper it not at Panshanger—breathe it not in the epicurean retreat of Brocket-hall!
  5. The letter wound up with some incoherent allusions to a cheque, and was signed by my affectionate cousin, John Brocket.