broadleaf / ˈbrɔdˌlif /


broadleaf2 个定义

n. 名词 noun

plural broad·leaves [brawd-leevz]. /ˈbrɔdˌlivz/.

  1. any of several cigar tobaccos having broad leaves.
adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. Here we pitched the tent, with a soft floor of ferns and the leafy branches of veronicas, senecios and broadleaf trees.
  2. The leaves of broadleaf trees are easily distinguished from the resinous, usually evergreen ones of the conifers.
  3. Broadleaf woods are characterized by complex fibre conditions, absence of resins, and greater weights.
  4. Their woods stand pre-eminent among those of the broadleaf series and have been highly prized from early periods.
  5. A better division is into broadleaf trees or woods, and needleleaf conifers.