brilliancy / ˈbrɪl yən si /


brilliancy 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural bril·lian·cies for 1.

  1. an instance of brilliance: the brilliancies of Congreve's wit.
  2. brilliance.

brilliancy 近义词

n. 名词 noun


n. 名词 noun


brilliancy 的近义词 9
brilliancy 的反义词 2
n. 名词 noun



  1. The high pitch represents mentality, the esthetic phases of beauty, and much brilliancy.
  2. He brings out all their power, brilliancy and careering wildness, and makes the greatest sensation of them.
  3. Liszt gave it with a velvety softness, clearness, brilliancy and pearliness of touch that was inimitable.
  4. The intense brilliancy of the moon seemed to press darkness down upon the earth.
  5. In some cases these stars are of the same brilliancy, but in others one of the lights is much brighter than the other.