bridgeman / ˈbrɪdʒ mən /


bridgeman 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural bridge·men.

  1. a person who works on a bridge or on the construction of bridges.
  2. a person who manages the loading and unloading of ferries at a landing dock.


  1. Still, there is something in the Bridgeman-George union that is different, and possibly trend-setting.
  2. Bridgeman said that a line of black residents were made to wait outside the church.
  3. Well, Bridgeman isn't back and Tam said he saw him nose-dive behind the German trenches.
  4. Jessie Bridgeman was the only member of Christabel's circle who refrained from any expression of approval.
  5. Without Jessie Bridgeman, Mrs. Tregonell would have been companionless in a house full of people.
  6. But to Jessie Bridgeman, who had been with them in the halcyon days of their love-making, she was still Christabel.
  7. There sat Jessie Bridgeman, the dragon of prudery placed within call, but was any woman safer for the presence of a duenna?