breve / briv, brɛv /


breve 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a mark over a vowel to show that it is short, or to indicate a specific pronunciation, as ŭ in cut.
  2. Law. an initial writ.a writ, as one issued by a court of law.
  3. Music. the longest modern note, equivalent to two semibreves or whole notes.Also brevis. a note in medieval mensural notation equal to one-half or one-third of a longa.
  4. Prosody. a mark over a syllable to show that it is not stressed.


  1. Combinations such as (y with breve and macron) or (o with under-dot and macron) may not display as intended in all browsers.
  2. Vogler then gave Beethoven a theme of three measures (the scale of C major, alla breve).
  3. Ancora una breve salita, e poi ci sar sul pi alto pinacolo del Prato Fiorite.
  4. He takes a breve rest, quavering with a minimum of divergent emotion in the effort to be natural.
  5. The original text inconsistently uses a breve over the e in "Parthenia" and "Passameso."