bregma 的定义
plural breg·ma·ta [breg-muh-tuh]. /ˈbrɛg mə tə/. Craniometry.
- the junction point of the sagittal and coronal sutures of the skull.
- The forehead and bregma rapidly escape below, and the occiput passes out last.
- They may occur in connection with any of the fontanelles, but especially with that of the bregma.
- His head is asymmetrical, and is full at the occiput, slightly sunken at the bregma, and the forehead is low.
- There is a slight median ridge on the frontal ascending from the ophryon, at first narrow but expanding at the bregma to 50 mm.
- Under the bregma is the brain; but the back part of the head is empty.