breastbone / ˈbrɛstˌboʊn /


breastbone 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the sternum.


  1. Robots can plant seeds and harvest crops, separate breastbones and carcasses in slaughterhouses, pack pallets of food in processing facilities.
  2. Cut off the feet of a chicken, break the breastbone flat, but be careful not to break the skin.
  3. He hit Ling on the lower end of the breastbone, where his belly would be softest.
  4. Margaret gave a cry; the light was shining on bones—a white breastbone with the ribs attached, and larger bones near.
  5. The rib cage includes the breastbone and twelve pairs of ribs.
  6. Each of the guests was given a little breastbone and no more, but this to them was a very great piece of meat.