breadfruit / ˈbrɛdˌfrut /


breadfruit 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a large, round, starchy fruit borne by a tree, Artocarpus altilis, of the mulberry family, native to the Pacific islands, used, baked or roasted, for food.
  2. the tree bearing this fruit.


  1. Jungles of waxy green—breadfruit and ironwood, pandanus and palm.
  2. These include breadfruit, banana, and rubber trees, whose canopies shade the cocoa trees.
  3. The Breadfruit is so well known and described that to attempt a new account of it would be unnecessary and useless.
  4. The breadfruit trees are planted, and flourish with great luxuriance, on rising grounds.
  5. We then went across the beach and through a walk delightfully shaded with breadfruit trees to his own house.
  6. On arriving at the landing-place I saw a large quantity of breadfruit with some hogs ready dressed and a quantity of cloth.
  7. In this division they keep a small interval called Tawa in which they do not use the breadfruit.