brazen-faced / ˈbreɪ zənˌfeɪst /


brazen-faced 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. openly shameless; impudent.


  1. But if Democrats are faced with the reality of a glut of qualified candidates, Republicans are assembling more of a fantasy team.
  2. In front of this strange structure are two blank-faced, well-dressed models showing off the latest in European minimalism.
  3. A sad-faced orange Star of David flashed across the iPhone screen as we swiped left on “James” (not his real name).
  4. The pale, baby-faced, red-cheeked rapper is furiously puffing away at a hastily-made blunt crammed with low-grade weed.
  5. If Huckabee runs, the hurdles he faced the last time out, namely geography and money, would still be there.
  6. I pictured him as slim and young looking, smooth-faced, with golden curly hair, and big brown eyes.
  7. She was a plump-faced, insipid child, with fair hair and pale blue eyes, stolid and bovine in their expressionlessness.
  8. "I'll take charge of this, Captain Dobson," he brusquely informed the red-faced numskull.
  9. He was a good judge of men, that eagle-faced major; he knew that the slightest move with hostile intent would mean a smoking gun.
  10. The latter is a square-faced practical man, who is looked up to as a species of oracle by all his friends.