brassard / ˈbræs ɑrd, brəˈsɑrd /


brassard 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a decorative cloth band, often braided or tasseled, worn around the upper arm, as by military personnel to signify a particular group, regiment, etc.
  2. Also brassart [bras-ahrt, bruh-sahrt]. /ˈbræs ɑrt, brəˈsɑrt/. a piece of plate armor for the arm.


  1. So popular was the last-named corps that many fictitious members were soon arrested for bearing its brassard.
  2. Hazard alone discovered the brassard (armlet) plot, and the fidelity of Dombrowski disclosed that of Vaysset.
  3. One Brassard, who lived up the Murray River, seems to have been a frequent offender.
  4. As his left side was turned toward them, the enemy could perfectly see his brassard.
  5. One was an American soldier wearing a blue brassard with the white letters M. P.