brass-collar / ˈbræsˈkɒl ər, ˈbrɑs- /


brass-collar 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. unwaveringly faithful to a political party; voting the straight ticket: a brass-collar Democrat.


  1. GOP leaders refused; they saw that Duke was pulling blue-collar Democrats to the party.
  2. After tightening her collar, Stella assumed slave posture: on her knees, legs slightly spread, palm resting face-up on her thighs.
  3. His chin rested on the thick plastic collar buckled around his neck.
  4. A portrait of him was done once in which the collar point was made to sit in its proper place.
  5. The only surprise was the left collar point, which was allowed to curl.
  6. His hat was pushed back from his forehead, the collar of his blue flannel shirt was open.
  7. Presently there was a clattering of hoofs behind him, and Ribsy came galloping along the road, with nothing on him but his collar.
  8. They were provided with sails and twelve oars each, and a falconet, or small brass cannon.
  9. "I wonder if 'twas a brass drum, such as has 'Eblubust Unum' printed on't," said Mrs. Slocum.
  10. Picture frames, nicely moulded in brass, were made here in 1825, by a modeller named Maurice Garvey.