branchial / ˈbræŋ ki əl /


branchial 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to gills or to the homologous, embryonic parts in animals without gills.


  1. Respiration tracheal or branchial: the openings for the entrance of the air spiraculiform (stigmatiformes).
  2. The relation of the branches of the vagus and glossopharyngeal to the branchial clefts requires no special remark.
  3. This cavity (the branchial cavity) contains gills, as we have already seen, and also extends to the mouth.
  4. The gills, too, are united with each other and with the mantle on the posterior side, thus forming a distinct branchial chamber.
  5. These are the bones connected with respiration—the operculum, the branchiostegal rays, the branchial arches, and others.