brain-picking / ˈbreɪnˌpɪk ɪŋ /


brain-picking 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. the act of obtaining information or ideas by questioning another person.


  1. A fire that he insists is only picking up pace, according to top-secret intelligence briefings.
  2. Brazen cherry-picking of the information in this story inspired a flood of “Bush Was Right All Along!”
  3. We have to use common sense inclusiveness, because we are quickly getting to a place where our brain is falling out.
  4. The truth is that Judd is really just picking an arbitrary number since there is no script.
  5. My father has suffered two strokes and endured brain cancer since I was arrested and imprisoned.
  6. All the operations of her brain related themselves somehow to to-morrow afternoon.
  7. Persistent glycosuria has been noted in brain injuries involving the floor of the fourth ventricle.
  8. His ear, his brain, his muscles take on a new joyous activity, and the tide of life rises higher.
  9. There was a vicious aching in his nerves, his muscles were flaccid and unstrung; a numbness was in his brain as well.
  10. She had forced herself to eat most of her soup, and now she was picking the flaky bits of a court bouillon with her fork.