brahmachari / ˌbrɑ məˈtʃɑr i /


brahmachari 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a student of the Vedas, especially one committed to brahmacharya.
  2. a celibate.


  1. Plodding along in the darkness the Brahmachari heard suddenly in the pathway some such sound, followed by a long sigh.
  2. Then the Brahmachari laid his umbrella and drinking-vessel on the ground, and extending his hands began to feel about.
  3. The Brahmachari said: "Probably she has been long without food; if there is milk in the house, give her a little at a time."
  4. Then Haro Mani, following the Brahmachari's directions, changed the woman's wet clothes for dry garments, and dried her wet hair.
  5. The Brahmachari, not understanding her symptoms, next morning called in the village doctor.