boy / bɔɪ /


boy2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a male child, from birth to full growth, especially one less than 18 years of age.
  2. a young man who lacks maturity, judgment, etc.
  3. Informal. a grown man, especially when referred to familiarly: He liked to play poker with the boys.
interj. 感叹词 interjection

Also oh, boy .

  1. an exclamation of wonder, approval, etc., or of displeasure or contempt.

boy 近义词

n. 名词 noun

young man


  • boys will be boys
  • fair-haired boy
  • mama's boy
  • separate the men from the boys
  • whipping boy


  1. There are several other reasons, including that oftentimes when there is an option of sending one child to school, families will send the boy.
  2. When an imam refused to speak with a girl, she sent a boy from her organization in her place.
  3. She didn’t mind that Charlie didn’t play sports as the other boys did.
  4. Once, while volunteering in a first-grade classroom, I even accidentally kissed the wrong boy because the back of his head looked like my son’s.
  5. His condition improved more lastingly only after his physician, Ogden Bruton, discovered that the boy had almost no gamma globulins in his blood.
  6. In the 90s, it kept gay men out of leadership roles in the Boy Scouts of America.
  7. This is Bey and Nicki at their most lyrically masochistic, and boy, is it a treat.
  8. Interviews in Serial (including ones from Adnan) do acknowledge that Jay was known as a resident bad boy at Woodlawn High School.
  9. The former Virginia governor was once the golden boy of the GOP.
  10. A sepia photo shows him as a young boy, head in his hands, with a large book open at a bar table.
  11. A little boy of four was moved to passionate grief at the sight of a dead dog taken from a pond.
  12. You see, I'd always thought of him as the boy whom Great-aunt Lucia described having seen.
  13. Poor Squinty ran and tried to hide under the straw, for he knew the boy was talking about him.
  14. A look of passion came into the face of the watching boy, and again he fingered his revolver.
  15. Several times after this the boy and his sisters came to look down into the pig pen.
扩展阅读 boy

Where does the word boy come from?

Like girl, boy dates back to around 1250–1300. Also like the word girl, the ultimate origin of the word boy is obscure.

There are some clues to the roots of boy, however. It might be based on the Old English Bōia, a male given name. Furthermore, boy is related to the Frisian boi, “young man,” and the German Bube, “knave, boy, lad.” Interestingly, that German sense of “knave” is close in meaning to “male servant,” one of the earliest uses of boy. 

Boy isn’t alone: it finds lots of company in other English words that seem simple but whose origins are not. Discover more in our slideshow “‘Dog,’ ‘Boy,’ And Other Words That We Don’t Know Where They Came From.”