bowyer / ˈboʊ yər /


bowyer 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a maker or seller of archers' bows.


  1. This day a good pretty maid was sent my wife by Mary Bowyer, whom my wife has hired.
  2. Here I met with Will Bowyer, and had a promise from him of a place to stand to-morrow at his house to see the show.
  3. I remember Bowyer saying to me once when I was crying the first day of my return after the holidays.
  4. In sight of the hospitable home of Mr. Radford was another, equally attractive, owned by his brother-in-law, Mr. Bowyer.
  5. Bowyer kissed the hand which she extended towards him, and withdrew to his post, astonished at the success of his own audacity.