bourdon / ˈbʊər dn, ˈbɔr-, ˈboʊr- /


bourdon 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. the drone pipe of a bagpipe.the drone string of a stringed instrument.
  2. a low-pitched tone; bass.
  3. a pipe organ stop of very low pitch.
  4. the bell in a carillon having the lowest pitch.


  1. For instance, who has not longed at times that the Swell Bourdon could be played by the pedals?
  2. Monsieur Bourdon has therefore chosen the bolder course, which happens also to be the wiser course.
  3. Monsieur Bourdon has proved once more the tremendous power of German militarism.
  4. Louis Bourdon little knew how much he had escaped, in thus becoming a dweller in the Floridian Eden.
  5. The search after Louis Bourdon was abandoned, and the soldiers were again ordered on board.