bottleful / ˈbɒt lˌfʊl /


bottleful 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural bot·tle·fuls.

  1. the amount that a bottle can hold: drinking soda by the bottleful.


  1. On one occasion he brought with him a bottleful of horse-leeches which he had gathered in a neighbouring pool.
  2. They went on, and she went not far before she told him to give her a meal, and he gave her the bread and the bottleful.
  3. He ordered strong measures to be taken at once, hot applications, and a bottleful of chalk, with opium in large quantities.
  4. He gave his master a bottleful from the jug, replacing what he had taken out by water.
  5. Anne Kearns has the lumbago for which she rubs on Lourdes water, given her by a lady who got a bottleful from a passionist father.