boracite / ˈbɔr əˌsaɪt, ˈboʊr- /


boracite 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a strongly pyroelectric mineral, a borate and chloride of magnesium, Mg6Cl2B14O26, occurring in white or colorless cubic crystals or fine-grained masses.


  1. It may also be obtained by the decomposition of boracite with hot hydrochloric acid.
  2. Various explanations have been offered to account for these “optical anomalies” of boracite.
  3. The sanjak is rich in mineral wealth; silver mines are worked at Balia and boracite mines at Susurlu.
  4. Tetrahedrite, blende, diamond, boracite and pharmacosiderite are substances which crystallize in this class.