boracic / bəˈræs ɪk, bɔ-, boʊ- /


boracic 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. Of all the anti-septic agents used for the purposes mentioned boracic acid is the favorite, and salicylic acid next in choice.
  2. This dissolves in water, but when boiled in large quantities of the same it is decomposed into glycerine and boracic acid.
  3. He knew there were medical opinions in favor of boracic acid, and one physician he was acquainted with used it as a medicine.
  4. Fahrenheit for about two hours, which causes the boracic acid to dissolve and blend with the glycerine.
  5. Boracic acid, 10 parts; sulphur, 17 parts; chlorate of potassa, 73 parts.