booting / ˈbu tɪŋ /


booting 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the practice of dealing with scofflaws by attaching a boot to the wheel of a car, immobilizing it until its owner reports to the police or pays delinquent fines.


  1. All older debt, including booting, towing and storage fees for vehicles that have been impounded, would be forgiven.
  2. Regardless of when the booting may happen, the swap seems to be imminent.
  3. Isn't this free-booting spirit, now, better than leading a cowardly life of musty regularity?
  4. "Chinese labour," yelled a voice, and across the square swept a wildfire of booting and bawling.
  5. It was still booting, and man, those icons creeping across the screen looked good.
  6. This man was a ferocious free-booting chief, daring and brave himself, and admiring those qualities in others.
  7. While Pastorella lay ill, a band of free-booting merchants arrived in search of slaves.