bookstall / ˈbʊkˌstɔl /


bookstall 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a stand, booth, or stall at which books are sold, usually secondhand.
  2. British. a newsstand.


  1. Her maid stood waiting with the jewel-case while she went to the bookstall to buy something to read on the journey.
  2. George had expended six pence in as many old books at a bookstall.
  3. She had worn those accursed beads when his father had approached her by the bookstall that afternoon.
  4. Other people were near the bookstall, and as these people were obviously leaving Llandudno, Ruth and Nellie felt a certain solace.
  5. In a few minutes the bookstall on the platform attracted them as inevitably as a prone horse attracts a crowd.