booklover / ˈbʊkˌlʌv ər /


booklover 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who enjoys reading books.


  1. This goal popped up so commonly that one suspects booklovers love buying books even more than reading them.
  2. He was a booklover, a numismatist, and a man of many gentle virtues.
  3. HE booklover is distinguished from the reader as such by loving his books, and from the collector as such by reading them.
  4. So let him who would know the joys and rewards of the booklover associate with well-made books.
  5. Our age is producing its quota of good books, and these the booklover makes it his business to discover.
  6. There one has a pleasant picture of a booklover, traveler, and friend.