bookbinder / ˈbʊkˌbaɪn dər /


bookbinder 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person or company whose business or work is the binding of books.


  1. Huntsville Alabama’s Lowe Mill arts and entertainment center offers studios to artists of all kinds—sculptors, bookbinders, woodworkers.
  2. We know that she was 19 and working as either a model or a bookbinder when, in 1869, she met Cézanne in Paris.
  3. In the 19th century I might have been a bookbinder and would have gone mad from glue fumes.
  4. He was a bookbinder previous to going upon the stage; and acquired a high degree of reputation as an actor.
  5. Her physical powers are vigorous, and she earns her living as a bookbinder.
  6. A protecting covering of bookbinder's paper is placed over the winding and the completed ring given a coat of shellac.
  7. As the brewer looks down on the baker, so the bookbinder looked down on the blacksmith.
  8. Soon after his visit to Mortgrange, the young bookbinder went home, recalled at last by his parents.