bondmaid / ˈbɒndˌmeɪd /


bondmaid 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a female slave.
  2. a woman bound to service without wages.


  1. He pronounced the decree, and laid upon the bondmaid, and not upon his noble boy, the provision for the journey.
  2. The cazi, no less enamoured, says that the woman is his bondmaid, who had absconded with much money.
  3. There was a noteworthy horse in Medb's herd and he was of the value of a bondmaid; a horse to match was found among Ailill's.
  4. Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman.
  5. All this they bore to the ships of King Alf, and Hjordis and the bondmaid went with them.