bombardon / ˈbɒm bər dən, bɒmˈbɑr dn /


bombardon 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a bass reed stop on a pipe organ.
  2. a large, deep-toned, valved, brass wind instrument resembling a tuba.


  1. The contra-bombardon man, we understand, also complains that his instrument is too tight round the chest.
  2. The bombardon in B flat or C, an octave lower than the euphonium, corresponds to the contrabass tuba in the orchestra.
  3. A cripple, in whom one would scarcely recognize the former stalwart Sergeant Bombardon, is the bearer.
  4. Sergeant Bombardon, who is to take away the drafted men, is already in town with his soldiers.
  5. As well liken a fugue with flute and cymbals to an oratorio with bombardon and sky-rockets!