bolt-action / ˈboʊltˌæk ʃən /


bolt-action 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. equipped with a manually operated sliding bolt.


  1. While this deferred action is controversial in the United States, in Mexico, what Obama did is universally popular.
  2. This is where much of the action will be for anti-LGBT groups.
  3. In 2008, Huckabee raised a little over $16 million, with less than $55,000 coming from political action committees.
  4. The possibility that the same outcome could happen another way -- namely a guy asks me out -- keeps me from taking action.
  5. But taking such action puts them at odds with the most powerful and best-organized segment of their coalition.
  6. Let the thought of self pass in, and the beauty of great action is gone, like the bloom from a soiled flower.
  7. He saw Gen. Braddock as he passed on to his defeat, and could give a succinct account of that sanguinary action.
  8. The wisdom of a scribe cometh by his time of leisure: and he that is less in action, shall receive wisdom.
  9. Words are often everywhere as the minute-hands of the soul, more important than even the hour-hands of action.
  10. The action was at first a little confusing to Edna, but she soon lent herself readily to the Creole's gentle caress.