bolas / ˈboʊ ləs /


bolas 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural bo·las [boh-luhz], /ˈboʊ ləz/, bo·las·es [boh-luh-siz]. /ˈboʊ lə sɪz/.

  1. bola.


  1. The Oensmen he describes as giants, armed with a terrible weapon—the “bolas.”
  2. These bolas consist of three balls, composed either of lead or stone; two of them heavy, and the third rather lighter.
  3. The vicuñas, after being secured by the bolas, are killed, and the flesh is distributed in equal portions among the hunters.
  4. These bolas consist of three balls, composed either of lead or stone; two of them heavier than the third.
  5. All these freemen provided their own horses, and were skilled from their earliest youth in the use of the lasso and bolas.