boatswain / ˈboʊ sən /


boatswain 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a warrant officer on a warship, or a petty officer on a merchant vessel, in charge of rigging, anchors, cables, etc.


  1. The Swedish boatswain consoled him, and he modified his opinions as the voyage went on.
  2. On each side of the driver of the galloping steeds stood a man, shouting like a maniac of the boatswain type.
  3. The chief ambition of the great conqueror and legislator was to be a good boatswain and a good ship's carpenter.
  4. The boatswain swore with wicked words,Enough to shock a saint, That though she did seem in a fit,'Twas nothing but a feint.
  5. Rogers took him on board, and appointed him boatswain's mate.