bluegrass / ˈbluˌgræs, -ˌgrɑs /


bluegrass 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any grass of the genus Poa, as the Kentucky bluegrass, P. pratensis, having dense tufts of bluish-green blades and creeping rhizomes.
  2. country music that is polyphonic in character and is played on unamplified stringed instruments, with emphasis especially on the solo banjo.
  3. the Bluegrass. Bluegrass Region.


  1. In bluegrass parlance, he often sang “high baritone” and “low tenor,” the middle harmony parts.
  2. In live performance, the group reverted to the style of the earliest bluegrass bands by having the entire group gather around one microphone for their vocals and solos.
  3. Dozens of musicians passed through the outfit, and its repertoire embraced the music of Bob Dylan, the Beatles and Gordon Lightfoot, greatly broadening the audience for bluegrass.
  4. I’ve been going to local outdoor concerts and swing dancing to bluegrass and folk, and while I don’t know many of the songs, the feeling they capture is all I need from my summer of music.
  5. You’ll also find family-friendly events like live bluegrass and clogging at the Pollock Dining Room, plus the Mountain Taproom.
  6. The law has been on the books in the Bluegrass State for a long time.
  7. The Bluegrass State is eager to grow hemp for the purposes of research and commerce.
  8. The race was called minutes after polls closed in the Bluegrass State.
  9. Bluegrass Tea Partiers will need major reinforcements to even have a hope of defeating the veteran senator.
  10. Scotts Miracle Gro made a pest resistant Kentucky bluegrass in 2011 using the same technology.
  11. He looked like a mountaineer and could hardly be expected to measure up to the bluegrass requirements of courtesy.
  12. Now, he had come down here to the cultured bluegrass, and was being pointed out as something of a hero.
  13. In his mountains such an association would have been tantamount to an engagement, but here in the bluegrass it was different.
  14. Over this land was brooding one of those days of rare charm that sometimes come to the bluegrass about the first of July.
  15. The militia officer from the bluegrass, who had come to act as umpire, masked his smile as he judged that contest.