bluebonnet / ˈbluˌbɒn ɪt /


bluebonnet 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the cornflower, Centaurea cyanus.
  2. a blue-flowered lupine, especially Lupinus subcarnosus, having spikes of light blue flowers with a white or yellow spot: the state flower of Texas.
  3. a broad, flat cap of blue wool, formerly worn in Scotland.
  4. a Scottish soldier who wore such a cap.
  5. any Scot.


  1. During the spring bloom, take in vast fields of bluebonnets and other wildflowers and admire the granite dome of Enchanted Rock in the distance.
  2. Zeen did not answer, but stood there shivering and staring, with his eyes fixed on a bluebonnet in the cut corn.