blue-jeaned / ˈbluˌdʒind /


blue-jeaned 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. wearing blue jeans.
  2. casual and informal.


  1. Clad in a blue, striped button-down, a silver watch adorning his left wrist, Huckabee beams on the cover.
  2. Yeah, the “Giant man-puppy” that is Gronkowski won't hold a sexual candle to the blue-eyed dreamboat.
  3. GOP leaders refused; they saw that Duke was pulling blue-collar Democrats to the party.
  4. It denotes the person that puts on the badge, puts on the blue uniform, and goes into the streets to put their life at risk.
  5. They looked up into the blue sky as the helicopters flew over in a lost man formation.
  6. In pursuing his alchemical researches, he discovered Prussian blue, and the animal oil which bears his name.
  7. Mary is fair as the morning dew— Cheeks of roses and ribbons of blue!
  8. His nose was hooked and rather large, his eyes were blue, bright as steel, and set a trifle wide.
  9. The most promising of the methods which have been devised are cryoscopy, the methylene-blue test, and the phloridzin test.
  10. He said no more in words, but his little blue eyes had an eloquence that left nothing to mere speech.