blowsy / ˈblaʊ zi /


blowsy 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

blows·i·er, blows·i·est

  1. having a coarse, ruddy complexion.
  2. disheveled in appearance; unkempt.

blowsy 近义词


等同于 ruddy


等同于 dowdy


等同于 frumpy


  1. After racking his imagination, it occurred to him to bribe the blowsy waiting-maid with gold.
  2. The loveliness of the woods in March is not, assuredly, of this blowsy rustic type.
  3. Her cheeks were like the heart of a blush rose; she never turned very red when she ran or skipped, and never looked blowsy.
  4. As if I would have given her any money, the impudent, blowsy thing!
  5. Before him stood a blowsy but not altogether unprepossessing woman of middle years.