bloodwood / ˈblʌdˌwʊd /


bloodwood 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of several Australian trees of the genus Eucalyptus, as E. gummifera or E. ptychocarpa, having rough, scaly bark.
  2. an African tree, Pterocarpus angolensis, having reddish wood.
  3. the wood of any of these trees.


  1. Some patches of stiffer soil were covered with box or with straggling apple-gum and bloodwood.
  2. The country near this part of the river is wooded with stunted bloodwood.
  3. It is undulating poor land of a sandstone formation, grassed with triodia and wooded with ironbark and bloodwood.
  4. Amongst these I observed broad-leaved ironbark and broad-leaved box, bloodwood, currajong, and bottle-trees.
  5. It was wooded with broad-leaved box, broad-leaved ironbark, Moreton Bay ash, bloodwood and cypress pine.