bloodstream / ˈblʌdˌstrim /


bloodstream 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the blood flowing through a circulatory system.


  1. Pills and edibles, on the other hand, might not be as effective, as less THC is absorbed into the bloodstream this way.
  2. Vitamin D is stored in body fat, so people with excess fat tend to have lower levels of vitamin D circulating in their bloodstream—but it could be the extra weight, not the lack of vitamin D, that hurts their performance.
  3. Further trials will also be needed to assess any possible long-term side effects in humans, though based on how short-lived mRNA is inside the bloodstream, researchers suspect the risk of that is even less than that for other vaccines.
  4. Yes, a person could potentially get an antibody test, to see if there are any in their bloodstream.
  5. Luminal epithelial cells absorb nutrients from the bloodstream and convert them into milk.
  6. Women also make less of an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase, which breaks down alcohol before it hits the bloodstream.
  7. Our epic finale this season could take place within the bloodstream of a nuclear scientist.
  8. Infections can strike joints, airways, the lungs, the brain and the tissues lining the spinal cord, or the bloodstream.
  9. In contrast, the actual chicken pox virus long ago exited my bloodstream and is not detectable.
  10. But methadone hits the bloodstream within a half-hour of oral ingestion.
  11. Take several long, deep breaths, oxygenate the bloodstream, then fill the lungs once and slide down under the surface.
  12. A lipoid suspension to release it slowly into the bloodstream and give the irritation time to subside.
  13. These are the lymphatic vessels, and they are found to be returning a fluid from the tissues to the bloodstream.
  14. For an instant, dread flowed through Naomi as if in her bloodstream and something was cutting off her breath.
  15. Despite the happy-juice in my bloodstream, a streak of uncastmemberly crankiness was shot through my mood.