bloodstone / ˈblʌdˌstoʊn /


bloodstone 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a greenish variety of chalcedony with small bloodlike spots of red jasper scattered through it.


  1. I must show it to you; also another, a carved bloodstone set in very curiously wrought iron.
  2. "By the bloodstone on her finger" she must fail not in proving that undaunted courage was the jewel of her soul.
  3. The walls are of a reddish hue, burnt by centuries of sun into the colour of raw sienna or of bloodstone.
  4. A ring with a big bloodstone in the center, a bloodstone cunningly chiseled and marked, rested on the middle finger.
  5. By the bloodstone on my finger, I'll keep my oath until the going down of one more sun.