blenny / ˈblɛn i /


blenny 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural blen·nies.

  1. any of several fishes of the family Blenniidae and related families, especially of the genus Blennius, having a long, tapering body and small pelvic fins inserted before the pectoral fins.


  1. The Large Blenny (B. gattorugine) inhabits deeper water, chiefly off the south-west coast, and reaches a length of a foot or more.
  2. He describes how in the embryo of the Blenny there is a short, thick arch between the first gill-slit and the mouth.
  3. A curious little blenny-fish swarms in the numerous creeks which intersect the mangrove topes.
  4. It was a small fish—a familiar fish, too—which he had known in the pools of his native land by the name of blenny.
  5. Seeing that the coast was clear, for Disco stood as motionless as a mangrove tree, blenny hopped upon the dry land.